DIGLE MAGAZINE has entrusted us with the memorable first time of the special project “Best Tracks of 2020” at the end of the year looking back on 2020. Enjoy the “Best tracks of 2020” playlist selected by MINAKEKKE!
Movie | “Last Summer” Special Streaming Live backstage
The backstage movie of “Last Summer” Special Streaming Live held on October 17th has been released.
Please look forward to the Streaming Single “pool” released on the 18th of this month and the streaming live to be held on the following 19th!
Radio | 「新・流行音楽堂」
東北放送 12/20 (日) 11:05~11:55
山形放送 12/20 (日) 16:00~16:20
新潟放送 12/20 (日) 16:45~17:00
静岡放送 12/20 (日) 16:45~17:00
山口放送 12/24 (木)・25(金) 16:35~16:50
熊本放送 12/25 (金) 18:00~18:10
Release&Gig | Streaming Single “pool”
Streaming Single “pool” will be available on December 18th. To commemorate the release, a streaming live will be delivered on YouTube Live at 20:00 on Saturday, December 19th. This is free to watch.
Streaming Single “pool”
2020.12.18 Release | Digital Only | NGDS-0007 | IDEAL MUSIC LLC.
Interview | music review site “Mikiki” on November 5th 2020
【MINAKEKKE “Last Summer” 不安な時代への祈り「喜び、そして悲しみを手放さないで」】
has been published on music review site “Mikiki”.
Interview & a dense text by Takanori Kuroda. Please read it!
Release&Live | Streaming Single “Last Summer”
[Oct.17 postscript]
Thank you for your viewing! The archive has been released.
[YouTube Live] https://youtu.be/1mARLdfM9-E
Continue reading →
GIG | Ibuki Takai × MINAKEKKE “セントエルモの火 vol.2”
On September 27th (Sun), it was decided to hold “セントエルモの火 (St. Elmo’s fire) vol.2” by Ibuki Takai and MINAKEKKE.
On Omotesando WALL & WALL, admission tickets for 20 people will be sold with paid live distribution. Please look forward to it!
Qetic | Netflix movies, dramas and documentaries from an artist’s perspective
MINAKEKKE has contributed to a series of articles on WEB media, Qetic, “アーティストの視点から観るNetflixの映画・ドラマ・ドキュメンタリー (Netflix movies, dramas and documentaries from the artist’s point of view)”. Introducing “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)”.